Unboxing the law

What´s included in the law and the rule of law and can be told in a movie??

Under the motto “Unboxing the Law”, we explore the question “What’s in the law and the rule of law? With the help of creative ideas and props, packed in small boxes and bags, we create authentic films that are true to life, sometimes humorous – sometimes thoughtful, and always with a young perspective on law and the rule of law.


Would you like to delve deeper into the topics of law and the rule of law, contribute your ideas and design media education projects? Or do you have further questions or suggestions?

Our team is looking forward to hearing from you: vermittlung[at]stiftung-forum-recht.de

We look forward to hearing from you and your ideas!

Eine Handzeichnung zeigt eine Personengruppe aus 4 Menschen, die Schilder in der Hand hält. Darauf steht "Recht", "haben", "bekommen", "schützen" "und verteidigen".