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From the idea to the Foundation

The establishment of the Law Forum Foundation is the result of a long process shaped and supported by various players. The idea arose in the context of Karlsruhe’s application for European Capital of Culture in 2010, as the city’s core project was the establishment of an „European House of Justice“. An initiative group, specifically formed for this purpose, pursued the idea further afterwards. First plans for the construction of a forum for information and discussion on the grounds of the German Federal Court of Justice  were being developed.

In a first important step in 2016, the German Bundestag approved funds for a feasibility study. This was followed by two expert symposia in 2018 to further explore the content and construction requirements. All the preliminary studies ultimately resulted in the German Bundestag’s passing of the Foundation Act. The act also stipulates the establishment of another location in Leipzig, in addition to Karlsruhe.  

Here you can download the feasibility studies and supplementary documents [in German only]. 

Machbarkeitsstudien und ergänzende Unterlagen
